Who we are
To be and make disciples of Jesus Christ.
As a community, we aim for our lives to have a balance of these three simple expressions of following Jesus:

OUR leaders
Our elders are responsible for the wellbeing of Open Doors Network as a whole. Open Doors Network is the banner name which covers all the different interconnected congregations (including New Life Church) or groups, that are cared for by our eldership team.
Our trustees are responsible for the legal and financial aspects of Open Doors Network. As a Charitable Trust and Company, we are governed by both Charity and Company Law. Our Trustees receive regular accounts and ensure money is used for the purpose for which it was given.
What we believe
We believe in the all-glorious Creator of all things. He is revealed as Father, Son and Holy Spirit; one God in three persons.
God made us male and female with the unique dignity of being like Him. We are called to love Him and one another as we re-present Him in creation and care for it.
In keeping with His threefold unity He ordained that marriage (the voluntary union for life of one man and one woman to the exclusion of all others) should be foundational to human society and the raising of children.
When humankind became unfaithful to God by seeking to take His place, He went on to rescue us from the resultant sin and death by taking our place.
God first raised up His ancient people Israel and through them, the written Word, to bear authoritative witness to His grace and truth in the world.
God fulfilled all the prophetic promises of the Old Covenant by sending His Son, the Lord Jesus Christ, to be born of the Jewish virgin Mary.
Christ was truly God and truly human, yet without sin. He bore our sins in His own body as He sacrificed His life for our sakes on a cruel Roman cross. Three days later He was bodily resurrected, confirming that sin and death
had been defeated and that we are reconciled to God.
We celebrate: Christ’s ascension to reign at the Father’s right hand as the only Saviour of the world; the sending of the Holy Spirit; Christ’s coming again in glory.
We receive forgiveness for sin solely by the grace of God through obedient faith in Jesus Christ. It is the Holy Spirit who leads us to repentance and baptism, uniting us with Christ and His global church as He comes to live inside us.
We uphold the priesthood of all believers – there being no ‘clergy’, ‘laity’ divide as each follower of Christ is given life by the indwelling Holy Spirit. The Spirit endows us with His gifts as He enables us to worship God, serve others and proclaim the good news as we promote righteousness, justice and love.
We eagerly anticipate that time when the church comes to full maturity and God in Christ steps in to heal all creation.
We look for the resurrection of all people to judgement through Christ, that He might repay everyone for what they have done, whether good or bad, and fully establish a new heavens and a new earth.
Get in touch
Our details:
New Life Church, Speldhurst Road,
Tunbridge Wells, Kent TN4 0JA
Tel: 01892 687050
Part of Open Doors Network,
Registered charity number: 1160706
We are part of the Relational Mission family of churches and the Evangelical Alliance.
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© 2020 New Life Church