Thank you for visiting our site. We hope that you will be able to use this page to find what you’re looking for, whether you want to know more about us, explore the things we do and perhaps choose to gather with us online.
We’re a family that loves to introduce people to who God is by sharing stories of how He has changed our own lives. If you’re interested in finding out more about what we believe and the things we do, we highly recommend visiting our About page.
We’re a family that loves to introduce people to who God is by sharing stories of how He has changed our own lives. If you’re interested in finding out more about what we believe and the things we do, we highly recommend visiting our About page.
Due to government guidelines there are no in-person activities going on, but we are still meeting online. If you have any questions you can always drop us an email.
About us
We are passionate about connecting people to God through a life-transforming faith in his son, Jesus Christ.
Our vision
To be and make disciples of Jesus Christ
Our vision is to be a church of growing disciples that are also nurturing new disciples along the way. A disciple is simply a follower of Jesus, aiming to live, speak and listen, just as he did.
Jesus gave his followers this mission to “go and make disciples of all nations, baptising them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, and teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you” (reference). So this is exactly what we are seeking to do today.
As a community, we aim for our lives to have a balance of these three simple expressions of following Jesus:
We Gather to the Father as his family, enjoying worship and friendship in community.
We Grow in obedience to the Son, as we help one another put God’s word into practice.
We Go make disciples by the Holy Spirit, taking every opportunity to share the love and ways of God with those we meet.
Our core Goals
The importance of prayer
Prioritising corporate prayer and intercession as a means of undergirding all we do.
Having a ‘hot centre’
Our core leaders regularly meet to plan, lead by example, and catalyse action towards our goals.
Leadership development
Develop a general and pioneering training track.
Communication and culture
Establish communication that continuously fuels our vision.
Disciple-maker’s journey
Have a clear pathway from unbeliever to disciple-maker that engages the whole church.
Aiming for consistent multiplication of church communities with freedom and relational accountability.
Translocal mission
Drawing the church into a wider apostolic mission.
Families and young people
Nurturing a family ethos in the church as we seek to reach and serve this embattled area of modern society.
Our Leaders
Eldership Team
We believe that leaders in the church are called to be servants who empower others for ministry, rather than ‘top-down’ bosses who micromanage everything that happens. Our eldership team are responsible for the wellbeing of Open Doors Network, which covers all the different interconnected congregations (including New Life Church) and groups.

Steve & Corinne McVeigh
Eldership Team

David & Tricia King
Eldership Team

Richard & Rachel Berkley
Eldership Team

Tony & Julia Darnell
Eldership Team
Our trustees are responsible for the legal and financial aspects of Open Doors Network. As a Charitable Trust and Company, we are governed by both Charity and Company Law. Our Trustees receive regular accounts and ensure money is used for the purpose for which it was given.
We greatly prize the tangible sense of God’s presence amongst us as we devote ourselves to him, his word, his church, and his world, all in the power of the Holy Spirit.
What we believe
He is revealed as Father, Son and Holy Spirit, one God in three persons.
God made us male and female with the unique dignity of being like him. We are called to love him and one another, as we represent him in creation and care for it.
He has ordained that marriage (the voluntary union for life of one man and one woman to the exclusion of all others) should be foundational to human society and the rearing of children.
When humankind became unfaithful to God by seeking to take his place, he went on to rescue us from the resultant sin and death by taking our place in the judgement of death.
God raised up his ancient people Israel, and through them, the written Word, to bear authoritative witness to the revelation of his grace and truth in the world.
God fulfilled all the prophetic promises of the Old Covenant by sending his unique Son, the Lord Jesus Christ, to be born of the Jewish virgin Mary.
Christ was truly God and truly human, yet without sin. He bore our sins in his own body as he sacrificed his life for our sakes on a cruel Roman cross. Three days later, he was bodily resurrected, confirming he had defeated sin and death, and that we are reconciled to God.
We celebrate Christ’s ascension to reign at the Father’s right hand, as the only Saviour of the world, and his gift to us of the Holy Spirit.
We receive forgiveness for sin solely by the grace of God through obedient faith in Jesus Christ. Our repentance leads to baptism in water, and receiving the Holy Spirit (usually through laying on of hands).
We uphold the priesthood of all believers. Each follower of Christ is given life by the indwelling Holy Spirit. He endows us with his gifts as we worship God, serve one another, and proclaim the good news, promoting righteousness, justice and love.
We eagerly anticipate that time when Christ returns in great glory to raise the dead, that he might repay everyone for what they have done, whether good or bad, and fully establish a new heaven and a new earth. Those who have embraced the free gift of eternal life shall live forever in the joy of God’s presence, whilst those who reject it shall perish eternally.